P.A.S.S. Test for Single Household
The P.A.S.S. Test is an untimed assessment service specifically designed for homeschooling families. As it is a service, not a product, we encourage you to review your public funding guidelines to determine eligibility for payment.
For more information or assistance, feel free to contact us.
Why should I order the P.A.S.S Test?

P.A.S.S. test for students within a single household
The P.A.S.S. is designed for students in grades 3-8. You will also be marking “beginning”, “middle”, or “end” of year on the scantron to match your situation. This allows for students who school year round or at different paces to still be compared to others of the same level.
$42 for one test
$39 each for 2-9 tests
$34 each for 10-19 tests
$30 each for 20+ tests
Please use the Group Test spreadsheet (not the product on this site) to order tests for more than one family at a time.
Note: The Group Test option is not available to purchase through this site. If you would like to use a Purchase Order for a Group Test, please reach out to us at orders@hewittlearning.org.
You will receive all the necessary materials in your testing packet. When you receive it:
- Read and follow the instructions in the Instructions for Using Levels packet.
- Follow the instructions book to give the Placement Test. Students may mark their answers on the Placement Test itself.
- Grade the Placement Test (answers are on the back side of the front page of the placement test).
- Use the guidelines in the instructions book for deciding the correct levels.
- Prepare the Scantron answer sheet by filling in the date, school year, and levels boxes.
- Give the test.
- Follow instructions for returning the test to Hewitt. Please make sure to sign the disposal verification sheet.
This would be a Group Order. We accept group orders either using Purchase Orders when using public funds or on our main site when using private funds.
For each student you wish to test, we must have their name and the grade you want the student compared with, the parent(s)’ name(s) and mailing address, a telephone number, an email address help if any last-minute problems arise, and your testing date. Since you have 30 days from your testing date to complete the test and return the scantron, we will hold your order and ship the materials so you receive them in time for your anticipated testing date. If you leave the testing date blank we will assume you plan to test soon and will ship immediately.
Full payment is required with each order, and is nonrefundable once it is shipped. Individual orders (for students from one family) may be ordered online. Group orders (those involving students from two or more families) and those where you are not the parent/guardian of the student must be ordered using group orders on our main site or through a purchase order.
To order you have a few options:
- Give us a call at (360) 835-8708.
- Email us at orders@hewittlearning.org
- Purchase through our main web store.
We have students all over the world who use the PASS test. The states of New York, North Carolina, Washington, and Alaska have approved the PASS for purposes of state reporting. In other states which require testing, many school districts accept the test, but you should check with your local school district before relying on it.
While the test itself is untimed, there is a limit for how long you can hang on to the test. Due to test integrity, you will need to return the test within 30 days. We use the anticipated testing date you enter when you order to allow for maximum flexibility.
Absolutely! Just enter your anticipated testing date when you order. We will hold your order and ship the package out in time for you to test within the 30 day time frame.
The P.A.S.S. can be taken during the beginning, middle, or end of school year. Students may test up to twice a year, with at least 5.5 months between tests.