Lightning Lit: Shakespeare
Shakespeare Tragedies & Sonnets
This course focuses on analyzing certain aspects of select plays and sonnets rather than specific writing skills. Each lesson examines a few important themes, characters, symbols, and Shakespeare’s use of language in the play or poem in question. Writing exercises vary from opinion pieces, literary analyses, creative writing (e.g. composing a poem or writing from the perspective of one of the characters in a play or the speaker in one of the sonnets), to reviews of live performances when the student is lucky enough to have the opportunity to see one. Scene-by-scene plot summaries are provided to aid the student in gaining a deeper understanding of the plays. This course is written from a secular perspective.
More resources coming soon

Teacher's Guide Sample
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Student's Guide Sample
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Shakespeare Comedies & Sonnets
This course focuses on analyzing certain aspects of select plays and sonnets rather than specific writing skills. Each lesson examines a few important themes, characters, symbols, and Shakespeare’s use of language in the play or poem in question. Writing exercises vary from opinion pieces, literary analyses, creative writing (e.g. composing a poem or writing from the perspective of one of the characters in a play or the speaker in one of the sonnets), to reviews of live performances when the student is lucky enough to have the opportunity to see one. Scene-by-scene plot summaries are provided to aid the student in gaining a deeper understanding of the plays. This course is written from a secular perspective.
More resources coming soon

Teacher's Guide Sample
Click the image to download sample

Student's Guide Sample
Click the image to download sample